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This is OUR page!

Please take a moment to read this brief introduction regarding the purpose and use of this site.

This site exists for us. Our classes are very important to me, and this website will be our place to keep up-to-date and exchange information. Think of this website as a four leaf clover. It brings good luck and it has 4 leaves.


The First Leaf : Class Portal

A class portal for you to keep up-to-date on homework assignments, what books to bring to class and special events (e.g. quizzes, class activities, presentations). - View the Hall of Fame where you can see your name and other students who have won various class awards.


The Second Leaf : English Speaking Community

This site is a great place for us to share thoughts, opinions, media and ideas on a wide variety of topics. Moreover, it allows us to stay connected anytime, anywhere.


The Third Leaf : Fun and Meaningful

You will find a few sections of this webpage that display books, music, movies and games that I, your teacher, have enjoyed and want to share with you. Why do I do this? Because, you can learn a bit more about me and then have more topics to discuss with each other as well as me.


The Forth Leaf : Data Locker

A location where you will be able to find viewable and downloadable files that are related to your coursework and more (i.e. syllabi, answer keys, instructions, rubrics).


And let's not forget the Stem : A Growable site

We are the masters of this domain, and this site can and will grow to suit our needs. We will make it bigger and better together.

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